Sunday, May 17, 2009

thanks, GUY!

Last night I stopped by the Red Lion in SilverLake. It's always a treat when I go here...I've been in this neighborhood for about 10 years and have celebrated numerous birthdays, smoked thousands of cigarettes, pounded hundreds of hef's, slapped many a' asses (not really - for legal reasons i must deny). 

But this blog is not about the good times had, the asses that were or were not slapped, nor is it about the fight i once got into with the piano player and manager...this blog is about the all mighty dollar. I'm pissed that after drinking 3 beers at a table of 15 people or so I ended up having to pay $100 buckaroos. It was a case of the old order-with-the-party-and-hope-they-don't-ask-me-to-pitch-in asshole syndrome going on.

I wouldn't normally be upset because, after all, I am a bizillionaire and i shit gold cakes on request (sometimes gold muffins)...but i'm trying to save money for NYC.  Why is it there are these $$#%@%$%^&@! (MUTHAFUCKIN ASSHOLES) that pull this kinda shit. Do they not believe in karma? do they not know Santa is watching? Were they raised by Wolves? I can't be too upset since this is something I pulled constantly in my 20s (im still in my when in rome) but whAT THE FUCK, MAN! if you're gonna pull shit like that then just sit in the car and pound a 6-pack or better yet drink a bottle of Jack and walk in with a gun and a sombrero...i mean you might as well dress like a cowboy if you're gonna act like a cowboy (i heard they're dicks). I don't know where that came from. 

The point im trying to get at is someone owes me $82.50. I figured that's the extra I threw in for someone else's drinks. So if you can spare some change...please drop it in the can.

On a side note, I did run into a lot of friends that I hadn't seen in quite some time and that's not something you can put a price tag on....except the price for me was $82.50... so, yeah, you can put a price tag on it, assholes!

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