Monday, August 31, 2009

My thoughts, observations, and experiences of NYC

Here are my thoughts, experiences, and observations of the big apple (that's New York City)

  1. New York is huge. I thought downtown LA was urban...that's like saying Brad Pitt is the hottest looking guy on the planet and then seeing a picture of never knew such beauty existed.
  2. The subways are incredible, very hot while waiting, nice and cool once inside, don't stare at anyone for longer than 1/2 a second, always just stare at the ground or the posters, and know where you are going but don't be afraid to ask (people aren't that mean).
  3. My suitcase burst open on the subway my first week here. I was couch surfing and was switching to a friends place in East Village (Thank you, Matt!) so I had to take the train into the city. It was hot, i was lugging this thing around, and just as the train pulled up it burst open. I was a mess, sweating my ass off in embarrassment. Thankfully some dude (def native new yorker) was nice enough to help me load it onto the train so as not to miss the train.
  4. Space is king but so is location. You have to sacrifice one for the other...or if you're lucky (like i think my roommate and i got) you can have a little bit from each world.
  5. There are taxi's, there are unmarked cars, and then there are "unmarked cars"...the latter is shady and you should stay away. Prices will always vary and you should now how to get to a place before you get taken for a ride but that only matters on a taxi since the other 2 are usually flat prices. You negotiate before you get in the cab. like, "how much to get to broadway and marcy...$895.00? Go fuck yourself" (no exclamation point because you say it nicely).
  6. There are tons, and i mean tons of mexican restaurants....they all suck. Taco Bites in Brooklyn on S. 4th and Rodney is amazing and reasonable. It's not very popular but some group of friends out here are trying to promote the shit out of it. We sat and enjoyed some cervezas, tacos, and live mariachi last week on Friday night that attracted enough people to completely fill the place. it was nice.
  7. Brooklyn is cheaper than the city. If you try hard enough you can definitely spend $10 and get completely shit faced. The Metal Bar in Greenpoint (Brooklyn) is a perfect example with there $1.50 beers.
  8. Don't look up while you walk around it makes you look like a tourist (so i've been told but im too busy looking up).
  9. Walk you know where you're going. Be ready to truck people over if they are in your way.
  10. J-walking is totally legal and totally awesome. just make sure you look both ways...really you only need to look one way since there are tons of one way streets but its just natural as non-native to look both ways.
  11. Williamsburg is hispter haven. It feels like being in San Francisco when the hippes took over...the scene is just everywhere. Mass amounts of people dressed like morons.
  12. Hipsters don't sweat that would be so main stream to sweat. I totally sweat and fucking hate them for not sweating. you smug assholes!
  13. Dominican and Puerto Rican spanish is way different and hard to understand. It's got a slang and speed to it that doesn't allow me to comprehend.
  14. Italian women from italy don't shave their armpits. i was at rooftop party in brooklyn the other night and this italian bird kept putting up her hair (on her head) completely exposing her armpit hair...the weird thing is I may have been mildly into it and then I punched myself in the nuts.
  15. Only people that are interviewing for jobs wear suits on Friday during the summer. Makes you think if all companies got together and decided to have their interviews on Friday to make us look like monkeys.
  16. A lot of companies have "Summer Fridays" which means people leave work on Friday's at 3 or 4pm only until Sept. 4th.
  17. Cigarettes are expensive. 9 to 10 bucks.
  18. Don't order an Arnold Palmer. You sound like a prick. especiallly after you explain it to the server and they still don't get you. Just order a orange soda and shut the fuck up. ok?
  19. According to the lady that fucked up my breakfast order twice (ordered: egg whites w/ wheat toast. got: reg eggs w/ white toast. ordered: egg bagel w/ turkey bacon. got: egg bagel w/ ham) dominicans are to haircutting what kenyans are to running. I asked the cute girl at the counter where I can get a haircut, assuming she would recommend a place in williamsburg, she recommended we ask the kitchen lady who then suggested the guys across the street. When I asked if they would butcher my hair her response was priceless: "They're dominicans...". She said it in such a are-you-kidding-me-they-cut-the-best-hair tone.
  20. Dry cleaning lingo: "Ready on Wed at 5pm" translation "Ready on Friday 2 hours after you come in to let us know you want your clothes"
  21. If you're hanging out in the city for happy hour the standard dress code for men is a button-up dress shirt. Anything less is uncivilized.
  22. Carry an umbrella if you think it's gonna rain.
  23. I went to an open mic the other day just to check out the scene. I went to the little boys room and when i got back i had basically missed 8 minutes of a cute blondie standing up on stage with her boobs out. I'm such an idiot. thanks bladder.
  24. I have not done comedy but that's only because I've been too worried about jobs and find a place. once that's settled i'll treat myself. I plan on doing a couple this week since I'm close to getting work. I'll keep you posted
  25. Pizza is awesome. especially the Sicilian slices.
  26. Chinese food so far has been for shit. i need to go to chinatown.
  27. Cuban/Dominican food is bomb.
  28. Tap water is good.
  29. Jogging is a good way to get in the view. Just run around and explore.
  30. Partying till 4am is fun up until you wake up the next morning.


  1. You know.... If I had never been to NYC I would be a little baffled about your experience so far.

    1) No Tex Mex restaurants. Go to Spanish restaurants.
    2) I love how some New Yorkers assume that you should know everything.
    3) Stay away from the gypsy cab drivers. You might loose a kidney that way!

  2. 5) gypsy cabs are the norm in the bronx!
    6) best mexican place in nyc is in my hood in the bronx
    13) to lose in dominican is "peldel"
    19) my dominican haircut experience ended with the lady putting olive oil (as in the stuff you cook with) in my hair.
    26) do you like chicken feet?
